Monthly Archives: March 2023

Mexico 2023 – Another artist – another historical figure

Along much of the wrought iron fence that borders Chapultepec Park along Paseo de la Reforma is usually a display of some sort of art or an historical figure. This time both an artist and a historic figure were on display. Yet another artist from Oaxaca, Amador Montes’ work was shown and I quite liked it. Interesting and unique. Oaxaca has contributed a disproportionate number of artists to Mexico’s rich trove of fine art and Montes is another in a long line of them.

Ricardo Flores Magón (1873 – 1922) was one of the early liberals who called for the end to the reign of Porforio Diaz, long time president/dictator of Mexico.

Mexico 2023 Quinceañeras, Ceramics, Kim and mural

It appears that I failed to publish this post so we’ll take a step backwards to Parque Mexico and some other stuff.

The quinceañera is a Mexican custom, a coming out party when a girl reaches 15yrs old. This marks her entering womanhood and there’s a big celebration thrown, often at great expense to the girl’s father. It’s a big deal down here and you can often see these girls posing for quinceañera photos in Parque Mexico on a Sunday afternoon.

Another museum where I’ve seen a number of good shows is the Palacio de Cultura Citibanamex – Palacio de Iturbide, a museum owned by a bank in what was a fine old mid 18th century home. On this visit, the main exhibit was of little interest to me but there was a nice display of Guerrero ceramics and other artwork.

My niece, Kim, came to visit me for a week. She’s visited me before in Mexico and we always have a good time.

Great margaritas in the Opera Bar famous for the bullet hole in the ceiling put there by Francisco (Poncho) Villa when his troops entered Mexico City during the revolution.

That margarita must have really hit me

A mural in progress on the new wall of the cafe at Anys

Mexico 2023 – Mural – and yes, more bikes

Not long after I moved in here I saw a couple of young women in the courtyard one of whom was working on a large mural that covered the entire north wall of the enclosure. We got to talking and I learned that Tara is the artist, and Leo, Tara’s partner, is working on her masters thesis while doing research here. Interesting people. I’ve become quite fond of them. Tara has been focusing her artistic interests on street art in the last year and was looking for a wall to paint in Mexico City. They are renting an apt from Alfonso and so Tara approached him with the proposal to paint the wall and he was agreeable.

Tara’s art name

Last week instead of a car free Sunday, there was a car free Saturday night.

Night time zumba as well. They needed to crank up the volume.

Part of National Autonomous University of Mexico, Museo El Chopo has collections in contemporary art and is a regular stop for me when I’m here. I’ll confess that most of the exhibits don’t engage me, but, if nothing else, the building is interesting architecturally.