Monthly Archives: December 2023

Year End/Year Beginning

My oh my what a year it’s been! And what a topsy turvy world it is, getting topsier and turvier by the day. But let’s not dwell on that. On to a topic close to my heart.

As most of you know I returned to my happy place last winter and had what was one of the best stays ever in Mexico City.

It had been three years since I’d been there last but little had changed. Prices were a bit higher but still a bargain compared to home. Same great food, same great art and architecture, same genial people and a completely revamped bike share system. Nice new bikes and an expansion of the semi-protected bike infrastructure. I had many visitors which greatly enhanced my time. I never get tired of showing off this exciting city and most people are smitten by it. Charlotte spent some time with me there, a long standing fantasy realized and we had a great time.

My special friend, Kathryn, came for a month.

My niece, Kim, joined me for a week

As well as various and sundry other folks.

An exciting event of this past year for me was the release of an album of music from a psychedelic rock band that I was in in the 60s. A local musician, producer and archivist dredged up old recordings of the band, As Sheriff, over the course of 20 years and created an album. The release made a bit of a splash locally; we had an album release party, interviews with CBC and some local TV and radio media, reuniting with the few remaining former band mates.

Guess which one is me.

I did venture off the island one other time in the past year for a little sojourn with Kathryn to her sister’s home in Vancouver. It had been many years since I’d been there last and the changes were huge.

I suppose it also counts as leaving the island to have gone to Gabriola Island with Kathryn where we shared a little house on a bay with her sister and family. A lovely place and a fine trip it was.

As always, my garden was a great source of pleasure not to mention a bounty of succulent veggies. My two biggest successes this year were the summer squash and the basil. I had a different type of yellow summer squash that I initially thought were zucchinis but where slightly different in shape, colour and taste. Delicious!

After a slow start, the basil took off. I had to reseed twice and resorted to buying some starts when the seeds were slow to germinate.

All things considered, it was a fine year. I continue to enjoy time with the local family and occasional visits from other family. Rolf and Tanzy came for a short visit and it was great fun reuniting at Charlotte’s place.

Lily also came.

Pretty soon Kathryn and I will be off to Mexico again. This time we’ll just touch down briefly in Mexico City before heading to Guanajuato. Having been smitten by it last year, Kathryn wanted to go back.

From there we’ll travel south a couple of hours to Queretaro, another large colonial city that I like.

Last stop before Mexico City will be Xilitla, a small town in the Sierra Gorda mountains renowned for a surrealist sculpture park created there by an eccentric British ex-pat.

After that we can finally settle in and relax in Mexico City for two months, if one really ever does relax in Mexico City. If you subscribe to my blog, I’ll keep you filled in. If you don’t and would like to, let me know. Otherwise, I send my love and wish you all the best as we continue our rotations around the sun.