Mexico 2023 – Tepoztlán again

Sorry, I deceived you again in my last blog heading. Adding Tepoztllán to that post would have made it too long so our visit there follows here.

I thought Kathryn would enjoy Tepoztlán so we took a day trip to visit this pretty pueblo magico. I’ve been there several times but never on a market day and it was very crowded in the centre of town and there were lots of tourists, mostly Mexicans. The back streets were quiet though and it was fascinating wandering around there seeing the town from different perspectives.

These are ahuehuetes, or Montezuma bald cypress, Mexico’s national tree

Murals and more

Water tap with potable water

We had lunch at a restaurant that specializes in pre- Hispanic food. This restaurant partners with UNAM, the big university in Mexico City, to identify the many different herbs that grow in this region and discover culinary uses for them. They also incorporate insects in the cuisine. I had a little patty with grasshoppers (chapulines) and a wonderful sauce, another with roasted pear, apple and shredded coconut. Delicious stuff.

1 thought on “Mexico 2023 – Tepoztlán again

  1. Andrew, I tried to leave you a message at the bottom of the photos as I have done before. For some reason I am being told that my email address is not valid. Anyway, thank you again for your photos. I always enjoy them. You are educating me on the beauty of Mexican art. I especially enjoy the outdoor art and murals. I also love your photos of the exotic and colourful plants and landscapes.



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